Notice of Intention to Repeal and Replace Section of a Heritage Designation By-law

Heritage Building

Take notice that the Council of the Township of Cavan Monaghan intends to repeal and replace sections of Village of Millbrook By-law 85-5, designating 2 Hay Street, 5 Prince Street, 19 Anne Street and  21 Anne Street in the Township of Cavan Monaghan as being of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest under Sections 29 and 31, Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act R.S.O. 1990, c.18.

The Ontario Heritage Act requires designation by-laws to include a Statement of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest, a description of Heritage Attributes, and an explanation of how the property meets Criteria for Determining Cultural Heritage Value or Interest under Ontario Regulation 9/06. Sections of the original designating by-law referring to 2 Hay Street, 5 Prince Street, 19 Anne Street and 21 Anne Street are to be repealed and replaced with a new designating by-law in order to bring the by-law into compliance with current legislation and to better guide the future development of the property.
