Livestream Meetings

The livestreaming of Township of Cavan Monaghan Council meetings has moved to our Township YouTube Channel, meetings as of Tuesday, May 19, 2020 and any upcoming meetings can be viewed using the link below:

For all Township of Cavan Monaghan Council meetings prior to May 19, 2020, please use the link below:

During a Public Meeting if you wish to participate you are required to provide your name and address, please keep in mind if you join with your phone your phone number may appear as well.  You do have the ability to change this to your name, which is recommended.  If you have any questions on the process please contact the Clerk's Department.

Please note:
If the meeting is interrupted and cannot proceed with its live feed, the meeting will be recessed for up to fifteen (15) minutes, or until the live feed is resumed.  If the live feed cannot be resumed within fifteen (15) minutes the meeting will be considered adjourned.  Council and/or the Committee will meet at the next regularly scheduled meeting date or at the call of the Chair and proper notice shall be given.

If the meeting is interrupted and the live feed cannot be resumed within fifteen (15) minutes the meeting will be considered adjourned. The names of the members present shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting and any decisions of Council and/or Committee up to the point in time of the interruption, will be recorded and the remainder of the items will be discussed at the next regularly scheduled meeting or at the call of the Chair and proper notice shall be given.